
But You Don't Look Sick website

I have wanted to share a website and some info for some time...in fact it's been so long I can't remember if I ever did post anything about it...if I have, sorry, you'll have to forgive me and my pregnant brain!!

The website is http://www.butyoudontlooksick.com/the_spoon_theory/ (We have a banner/link on the right side of our page)
It is done by a lady who has lupus. She has a very good writing called "The Spoon Theory" that is a really good illustration about what people with chronic illness/pain g0 through daily. It has really helped us explain to others what I/we go through. If you know anyone who has a chronic illness or chronic pain, please take the time to read the spoon theory, it is worth the time!

"Come, adore on bended knee..."

"Angels We Have Heard on High" is one of my favorite Christmas songs and it seems that this year I cannot sing it without crying. It just really humbles me to remember how completely human Jesus was while still being completely divine. He chose to come to earth as a little baby, completely dependent on his earthly parents to care for him. And as he laid in a lowly manger shepherds knelt and worshipped this newborn king. How different a picture this is then the picture of the cross, where Jesus' mother most certainly fell to her knees. The cross was the whole reason he came to earth. As I adore Christ on bended knee this season, I am overflowing with so much emotion...joy, hope, sadness, love, anticipation, peace, thanksgiving... I am thankful that although the events in my present life here on earth are not always easy, I have the hope of spending eternity with Jesus where there will be no more tears. I know that nothing I go through isn't something Christ cannot understand or went through himself. So I kneel at the feet of Jesus...the tiny, newborn feet in the manger and the traveled, dying feet on the cross.

I pray that the joy and hope of Emmanuel, God with us, will be yours this Christmas and in the coming new year.


Already December?

It is hard to believe that this wonderful season is already beginning this year...so much has happened in the last few weeks, months, well ok, the last year really. We have been getting settled into our apartment. Salyna's dad and stepmom stayed with us for a couple days the week before Thanksgiving on their way to Atlanta. We celebrated Thanksgiving with World Impact missionaries/staff and friends at the new ministry house, which was a great time of fellowship, not to mention a lot of GREAT food! Then we had our own "Thanksgiving"... turkey tacos and going to see Madagascar 2, a nice day of family time for us. Then Salyna's dad and stepmom were on their way back home...so we got to see them again!! And somewhere in there Syd lost a front tooth...the other will be missing soon too!

And Christmas is coming fast!!! YEAH!!! We are excited to be able to fly to California... we fly into San Diego on Christmas Eve evening. This will be the first time the kids have really flown (Sydni flew at 3 months and Andrew at 5 months) or will remember it anyway. They are pretty excited too. Lord willing we will also be able to scatter Mimi's ashes while we are there. It will be great to be with family for Christmas!!

And only about 10 weeks until our new little baby boy will arrive....WOW!


Short Note

Just a short note...we are moving again, back to the World Impact apartments where we stayed when we first moved to Wichita. Our address is the WI address: 3701 E. 13th St. N.,Wichita, KS 67208...our cell numbers (yes, still South Dakota numbers) will stay the same...for now.

We are updating our "mailing" list, you know...real paper, real letters, envelope, stamp, the whole works. Please email Salyna if your address has changed in the the last year or if you are not sure that you are on our mailing list.



Now what?

Now what... it's been over 2 weeks since my mom passed away and I just feel awkward I guess. Most days I feel like I have not really been grieving. With days filled with the kids, the house, the process of moving, some issues with pregnancy...I feel like I've just been so busy that I haven't really had the time to completely deal with all this. Is that bad? Is it just the timing and more will come later? We had to do everything in California so fast, I kind of feel like "now what?". I know I did a lot of grieving on our drives to and from CA, but somehow it all just seems so final, like there is no point is asking "now what?".

Our lives go on... without my mom being a part of it, just the memories we have. I know the Lord's timing is perfect for His plans. Oh to stay focused on things above...
Colossians 3:2-4 says, "Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory."
I shared these verses (and then some) with my mom the day before she went into surgery. My women's Bible study is in the book of Colossians and it had been my intention to write those verses on my heart. I have yet to completely memorize them....maybe I need to finally do it?!


Missing our "Mimi"

By now I think most everyone knows that Salyna's mom, Sharon, passed away on Saturday, October 25. As our family spends time in California making arrangements, spending time with family, and going through "Mimi's" things we cannot help but miss her terribly. Davis had said (after knowing that Mimi was sick and was going to die) "She can't die, she was the best Mimi we ever had. I will miss her." I think he spoke for the entire family with those words.

Words cannot express our appreciation for all of the prayers, phone calls, and emails. We wanted to share a poem with you that will be given out to those who are going on a celebration harbor cruise in rememberence of Mimi:
Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free.
I'm following the path God has laid you see.
I took His hand when I heard him call.
I turned my back and left it all.
I could not stay another day.
To laugh, to love, to work or play.
Tasks left undone must stay that way.
I found that peace at the close of the day.
If my parting has left a void,
Then fill it with remembered joys.
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss.
O yes, these things I too will miss.
Be not burdened with times of sorrow.
I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow.
My life's been full, I savored much.
Good friends, good times, a loved one's touch.
Perhaps my time seemed all too brief.
Don't lengthen it now with undue grief.
Lift up your hearts and peace to Thee.
God wanted me now, He set me free!
Author Unknown


Fall Fun

Saturday our family spent the afternoon & evening with other World Impact staff & volunteers. We played games, the kids got to "ride" the horse, we went on a hayride, & had a campfire dinner of roasted hot dogs, followed by roasting marshmallows & yummy s'mores!
What a great time of fellowship!

Andrew wasn't so patient for his turn to ride the horse.

This was one of a couple trips that were made to help get folks back to the woods.
The campfire & picnic area was really neat. It was tucked back in the woods and there was even a "real treehouse" with a slide that the kids couldn't get enough of. Our night ended with extremely dirty kids who had fallen asleep before we made it home.


Some random pregnancy thoughts...

We just started studying the book of Colossians in the women's Bible study at church and I feel like I've had one of those "Ah hah!" or lightbulb moments...or maybe it's just because I'm pregnant. Paul's letter really reminded the Colossians (and myself) that God is the Creator of all things and all things are upheld because of Him; not some things or most things, but ALL things. I love it when the Lord kind of slaps me upside the head when I think that my life is out of control or that I don't have any control over it, because...well, He's got it all figured out, planned out, and completely under control as far as HE is concerned. It's a good thing to be reminded of you know!

This pregnancy has been kind of odd I guess...not the being pregnant part, but getting used to the idea that we will have a newborn next year. I seem to almost forget some days, like the other day. We have a 4th bedroom that has been used as the school/office room, then it turned into the office we never use/just put it in there room, and now it's finally cleaned out, organized, and has a crib in it...the baby's room. Well, it has been habit to keep the door closed and I don't go in there very often, except to file something or get something from the craft stuff. So the other day I was going in there for something or other and when I opened the door and saw the crib I was almost startled..."oh yeah! there is going to be a baby in here!" was my reaction. Like being 21wks pregnant (and looking more weeks than that) wasn't enough of a reminder! HaHa!

I feel like we are so busy, we are worrying about lots of other things, and before I know it this pregnancy will be over. I almost feel like I'm missing it. So in relation to this Colossians study and being reminded of who really is in control of all the "stuff" that is going on... I hope I am able to relax a little and enjoy this special time.


It's a ...

Most of you already know that yesterday we found out we are having another boy!!!
Since Sydni and Davis were at school during the day they did not find out until after school got out. They knew we were going to the doctor and may possibly know if the baby was a boy or girl, so they were excited. Sunday night Sydni said "if it's a girl you have to tell me right away, but if it's a boy I don't want to know about it." Both of them wanted a baby sister but Davis said he would be okay with another brother too. So after the bell rang at school, both kids came running to the van as fast as they could...."What is it?! Mom, is it a boy or girl?" I said, "Well...you are going to have another brother!"

Davis said, "Yes! I knew it was a boy!" And Sydni said, "Oh, darn it! I don't want another brother!" Maybe she will soon see the benefits of being the only girl!!

We are all very excited. I am a little less anxious now about all that needs to be done before February. I know that we have most of what we need, which would not have been the case if it were a girl. And so the drama of names has begun....we'll keep you posted!


"Give me your eyes..."

The song by Brandon Heath, "Give me your eyes", has nearly brought me to tears every time I hear it. I believe the chorus of it is a prayer and it is very similar to the prayers I've been saying for the last couple of years.
"Give me your eyes for just one second.
Give me your eyes so I can see,
everything that I keep missing.
Give me your love for humanity.
Give me your arms for the brokenhearted,
the ones that are far beyond my reach.
Give me your heart for the ones forgotten.
Give me your eyes so I can see."
I believe that we (Christians) have gotten so caught up in "playing church" and making sure that others believe exactly the way we think they ought to believe, that we have forgotten something very detrimental...LOVE.
How can we reach the lost if we don't love them first?
How can we talk to them about eternal matters if we don't love them?
How can we see them as Jesus sees them if we don't love them?
How can we help our brothers and sisters in Christ if we don't love them?
I pray that we will not lose the love for others that God has given to us. I pray that I can see past the temporal things of this world that make me want to look the other direction. I hope I can see the needs of other's hearts and souls. I want to serve others as if serving the Lord himself.
You can see Brandon Heath's video on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTsYAZvHsEQ


Birthday Girl!

Sydni turned 7 yrs. old last week!

We can hardly believe our first baby was born 7 yrs. ago. The time goes by so fast!
We are thankful to the Lord for all He has done in Sydni's life so far and we look forward to the years ahead with great anticipation. She is so much her own person but has a lot of our qualities too (okay, mostly mom's).
It seems like her birthday lasted a couple days. Because it was on Thursday we took cupcakes to school and opened some presents that night. She got a new Bible from Mom & Dad, lots of Hannah Montana stuff that she requested from Grandma & Grandpa, and enough money to buy a new wardrobe (which is desperately needed).

Then Friday night we finally had a "birthday" cake and spent a couple hours at a local family fun center, riding rides and playing games.

Thanks for sharing in this celebration with us! Please pray for Sydni as she has really taken her own interest in reading her Bible regularly!


What a weekend!

This past weekend consisted of things fairly unusual for our family.
First, we (Miles & Salyna) went to Kansas City...alone! We can't even remember the last time we had a night and 2 days away. It was great! We spent some time with a friend we haven't seen in a very long time. Salyna and Leigh have been friends since 2nd grade, that's 23 years! Wow! We had fun celebrating Leigh's 30th birthday at an amusement center where we amused ourselves playing games for over 2 hours. Then we had a nice Italian dinner at a pretty upscale restaurant (also unusual for us). We were very thankful to Leigh for helping us out with a pretty upscale hotel room too, something we definitely are not used to.

We had a wonderful time of conversation and just spending time together, focused on one another. It really was an amazing weekend!

The kids also experienced something unusual, they weren't all together for the weekend. Sydni and Andrew spent the weekend with some good friends of ours who have 4 kids of their own. And Davis spent the weekend with some new friends who have 2 boys and celebrated a birthday too. It seems the kids had a great time too! We were all reunited Sunday evening with yet more time spent with friends.

(Belly Pic)

So today we have been recovering...haha! We are thinking and praying for all those affected or yet to be affected by the hurricane.


First Day of School!

WOW! What a morning!

The first day of First Grade for Sydni got off to a rocky start because she didn't get the teacher she wanted, her favorite uniform pants were officially too small, and her hair was all wrong. But we made it there and ultimately she okay and happy to see her friends.

Davis' first day of school was equally exciting for the whole family! He was up early, dressed and ready to go, and asking "when are we leaving" for an hour. As we turned down the street the school is on Davis exclaimed "Oh my gosh, we are almost there!" He was very excited to be in Sydni's old Kindergarten room with her old teachers. He promptly found his hook for his backpack, put on his nametag, and did exactly what his teacher told him, got a book and sat on the carpet....he was gone, didn't even say goodbye to his mommy. (sniffle) As I sneaked in one last look before leaving the school he was standing with his class saying the Pledge of Allegiance, looking very grown up.

Probably the most unexpected reaction of this morning was from Andrew. As we were leaving the school he asked "where did Sydni and Davis go?", followed by "I wanna go back!", and then he began crying! I suppose this will be an adjustment for all of us!

Well, here are pictures of this morning...enjoy!

Davis patiently waiting on the school steps for the bell to ring.
The bell has rung!


Some fun pics

Introducing "Chloe"... our latest adoption...she is about 4 months old and she brings out the kitten in Penny, usually around 10 o'clock at night! It's been lots of fun having the both of them.I still don't know how these cats survive Andrew but they do...

for example, Chloe is very curious and oddly she likes water, so she was in the bathroom when Andrew had just gotten out of the bath. Andrew promptly picked her up and threw her in what was left of his bath water...

Here is a picture of Davis who is so excited and a little nervous for school to start next week. His biggest anxieties are over lunch and recess....imagine that!

I don't think many of you have ever seen Sydni with straight hair... we were bored last week and spent WAY too much time in front of the mirror with the straightening iron, but it was cute. We dont' do this very often anymore...she has A LOT of hair!!!


Summer is almost gone...

As we have been getting ready for Sydni and Davis to go to school it seems that summer is almost over. The kids are enrolled, supplies are bought, uniforms are waiting to be washed, and new shoes will soon be broken in... school starts August 14th. What will Andrew and Mommy do all day? That is a good question!

The last couple of weeks we have been enjoying the summer. We've been to the zoo a couple of times, the park several times, and not nearly enough time spent riding bikes. Grandpa Bud and Grandma MaryLee were here for a few days and I think we wore them out, but we all had a blast and I'm sure Chuck E. Cheese's will be able to stay in business now.

We are thankful that our air conditioner has been able to keep up with the heat and humidity. It seems like it's been hard to even turn it off the last couple of weeks. I think the humidity will take us more than one season to get used to, if at all. None of us like it at all! It has also been challenging living in a neighborhood that comes alive about 8pm and doesn't quit until about 4am. Thankfully nothing threatening has gone on this summer, just lots of people and lots of loud music.

Well the last week or so I think I am beginning to turn the corner away from being sick. I am about 12wks pregnant now and looking forward to some kind of normalcy. I'm glad the kids were able to survive on cereal and McDonalds as long as they did! I have been feeling pretty good otherwise. I think the pregnancy has increased my fatigue so we've been working around that too. Miles is so gracious in helping out and allowing me the time for naps when his schedule allows it. It's amazing that God knew He'd have to let us forget the so called negative things of pregnancy so we'd do it all over again. And the pregnant brain thing... Miles is REALLY gracious is this aspect, he's knows not to argue over stupid things that I may or may not remember or forget...haha! I can't imagine being in his shoes for these 9+ months!
Well, here is a picture that I know all the Grandma's (and maybe others) are waiting for...


Some friends need prayer

I would like to introduce you to some friends of ours from Spearfish, Traig and Laura Friedrich. They are on a 6 month mission trip to Lesotho, Africa. With them are there four young children. Traig is doing techinal work installing satellites at remote village clinics to better the care they are able to give. There little journey is nearing it's end but not without some big challenges and heartache. Laura has been spending a lot of her time at a local Orphanage called the Beautiful Gate, which cares for children ages 3 and under, and is mostly supported by American churches. The orphanage is more than full because of the ban on adoptions in Lesotho. Recently, in the last couple of weeks, Laura was visiting one of the children who had to be put into the hospital when she met, Palesa, a beautiful 18 month old girl. Palesa is not sick, just abandoned. Since Laura made such a strong connection with her, she began to take care of her, in this hospital where it is not uncommon for people to die of starvation or contract AIDS during their stay. Since Palesa was not sick and there is currently no room at the Beautiful Gate, Laura asked the hospital is she could take her home to care for her until other arrangements can be made. They had a great weekend together but now are waiting for Palesa's grandmother (who showed up after 3 months) to make a decision "if she likes her" and wants to care for her. In addition, Laura has been hard at work to get Palesa into the Beautiful Gate. All the while, praying for the adoption ban to be lifted so Palesa and so many others can "go home".
The Friedrichs have about 3 weeks left in Lesotho and they are now facing the reality of having to leave people they have fallen in love with.

Please pray for little Palesa, the Beautiful Gate, and for Traig & Laura as they seek the Lord's will for what to do next after leaving Lesotho.
You can read much more about them on their blog at www.friedrichsinafrica.blogspot.com


Family, fireworks, & fireflies

We started the holiday weekend a little early on Thursday with a trip to the drive-in. It was the first time the kids had been and they thought it was great to watch movies outside on "the biggest t.v. ever". I'm a little upset that I didn't take any pictures but we made lots of memories anyway. Andrew fell asleep about half way through the first movie, Davis half way through the second one, and Syd almost made it through all of the second one. Then mom and dad decided we'd stay for the third movie (Prince Caspian, which began at 1:15am), by 2:30 we were falling asleep and decided maybe we should head home. We both laughed as we remembered being a little younger and going to all three movies AND staying awake! It was a great family night!

On Friday night we did some fireworks of our own, watched others that friends & neighbors were doing, and played with some fireflies. It was also very fun. Now were are all trying to recover from two late nights in a row.....whhhhheeeewwwwww....I feel old!


Some quick updates

*First, to answer a question that a lot of people have asked... Salyna is feeling sick and tired but great! Praise the Lord, we had our first real doctors visit today and saw the baby's heartbeat. We are so excited!

*Salyna's mom has been home from the hospital for a little over a week. She is supposed to be having a second round of radiation treatments soon but we don't know much beyond that.

*"Joe" moved to Oklahoma a couple weeks ago to live in a half way type house that is supposed to be Christian based. He is required to go to meetings and church which we pray will keep him on a sober path where he can deepen his relationship with the Lord. Miles has not talked to him much since he left but the last time he did he sounded good.

Thank you for being a part of our lives, sharing our burdens with us, and praying with us. It seems like it's been awhile since we've heard from a lot of you. We hope you are having a great summer and we look forward to hearing from you soon!

Blessings ~Miles & Salyna


Kennedy five...will be six

Yes, you read that correctly!

Our family will be growing again with the birth of our 4th baby sometime in mid-February. We are overjoyed that the Lord has chosen to bless us with another child. We are really excited - so can you imagine the kid's reactions, considering Davis has been praying for a baby sister for almost a year now!! Sydni's reaction has been our favorite so far. After several minutes of discussing this with the kids (which consisted of us trying to convince them, "yes", after they repeatedly asked "Are you sure?") Sydni said "Are you sure you want to do this again?" All we could do was laugh & say "yes". The family as a whole is of course hoping for a girl, but we will be happy no matter what.

Thank you for sharing in this blessing with us!


Salyna's Mother

I just wanted to thank everyone who has prayed with us for my mom over the last few years. As many of you already knew, her cancer in her spine is back. She has yet to have the biopsy for the cancer done. After visiting for 6 weeks she just left our house on May 29th to go back to California. She has had increasing difficulties the last couple of weeks and went straight from the airport to the hospital. It appears that the major tumor in her back has grown excessively over the last 2-3 months. She has begun another round of radiation. As we wait for more tests to be done, I ask you once again for your prayers.

Our visit with her was challenging in some ways but it was good. The kids were sad to see their "Mimi" not feeling well as I was. I pray the Lord will comfort her and encourage her heart.


More Misc. stuff...

Well, as I (Salyna) sit and monitor the weather via the internet & local news (at 10:30pm), I was thinking that we have been wanting to update you all on a few things. So I guess this is as good of time as any.

First, the older kids had their AWANA awards a couple weeks ago and Davis could hardly contain himself. He finished his second Cubbies book & 3rd year with all his patches, bear, and finally the ribbon. He is very excited that he will move on to Sparks next year when he "can do as many verses a week as he wants". Here is a picture from that night, sorry it isn't a better one.

We also got to attend the annual Wichita Riverfest with lots of food, music, and kid's activities. We really enjoyed this time as a family! Davis enjoyed the Kansas National Guard vehicles.Sydni & Andrew with "The Bubbleman"

Sydni has finished Kindergarten and thinks the summer will last "forever" before she gets to go to 1st grade. This picture is from her field day the last week of school. Davis got to go visit the Kindergarten classrooms and meet the teachers, so he is anticipating summer taking "forever" as well!

Other stuff...

Thank you for continuing to pray for "Joe" and what role Miles is playing in his life. They have become friends and Joe is extremely thirsty for the Truth, seeking out answers, and has quite a few convictions he is working through. It has been amazing to listen to Miles talk about much Joe is grasping and passing on to his roommates. He still struggles as he seeks to live his life in a godly manner. It's very awesome to watch the Lord work through Miles.

Also we got the results of Davis' blood tests for allergies and they all came back negative. He has puzzled the doctors as well as mom and dad. His response was "I knew God would help me with my allergies, I've been praying about it every night!" What a humbling experience for us! It has shown us how much our faith is lacking. Rejoice with us in Davis' faith! So we have stopped his medicine for now to see how he does.

I will now conitue to enjoy the excitement of the springtime weather in Kansas...haha! The western part of the state has had A LOT of tornados the last two days and now those storms are headed our way. What an amazing display of power!

Until next time...Salyna


Misc. Stuff

Well these last couple of weeks have been extremely busy!! But we are rejoicing in the goodness of our God.
Psalm 19:1
"The heavens declare the glory of God;the skies proclaim the work of His hands."
*Salyna's mom has been here visiting since April 15th and will return to California the end of this month. Then she will be having a biopsy done to figure out exactly what type of cancer she has and what the treatment options are. We are praying about her moving here to Wichita.

*We also got the blood test results for Salyna. The rheumatologist was encouraged that the lupus and inflammation markers are low, which probably has something to do with her feeling pretty good lately. :)

*We've had some confusing information about Davis' allergies. The doctor did the skin testing again for all the environmental allergens and he tested negative for everything when less than a year ago in South Dakota he tested positive for nearly everything they tested him for. So now we are waiting on the results of his blood tests. We pray the Lord will make these things clear for us so we know how to continue treating him. He has been struggling the last couple months with his allergies leading to sickness.

*Andrew had his second experience with a cut on his forehead. This one was worse than last year; bigger, deeper, pretty gross. Instead of stitches they glued the cut shut and then put strips over top of it. It has healed really well but it looked bad for awhile.

*We got to visit with some friends we haven't seen in a very long time. And we finally got to meet Elli!!!! Thanks for making the trip guys!

*We have been trying to enjoy the Kansas storms. It would be much easier to do if they didn't happen at 2am.

*Today Miles took the Mobile Medical Clinic to Lighthouse Community Church, a World Impact church plant. They are planning on having the clinic begin to come to their church parking lot in June. It was so inspiring to see their church body and several World Impact folks praying together for this ministry. They have such a desire to help the hurting in their community. Here is a picture from this morning.

We hope you are having a wonderful spring and enjoying whatever celebrations may be going on... graduations, weddings, retirements, new babies, or even just the lilacs blooming. "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" Phil 4:4