
Heavy Hearts

Wichita, Kansas
approximately 770 miles from Newcastle, Wyoming
approximately 1350 miles from Walnut, California
It seems we have always been apart from family but being in Wichita causes the farthest distance thus far. Most of the time we don't mind the separation... absence does make the heart grow fonder. But there are times when the miles between loved ones are just TOO far.
Like now...
We were both blessed as children to grow up around many cousins since we didn't have many siblings. Many lasting bonds were created and we still work to keep those relationships... thanks to technology, like the internet and facebook, it is easier and a lot of fun!
But sad news came last week.
One of Salyna's cousins in California passed away.
He was a young, smart, talented, handsome, and LOVED by many.
There are many hurting hearts now including the heart of his fiance.
He was to be married on the 11th.
Because of a great website full of ideas (pinterest), I was able to make a wonderful keepsake from their wedding invitation. It was going to be for their first Christmas. Instead it is now a precious gift from one grieving heart to another.
Here is the before pic

I simply cut their invitation into strips, curled them around a pen, and put them into this clear ornament.
Josh, we love you and you will forever be in our hearts.


Birthday Girl!

Look who's 1!

We did something kind of different this time...
we let her open presents when the other kids were busy downstairs :)

We didn't do any decorating so I thought she at least needed a princess party hat!
She hated it!
But did eventually just play with it.
She wasted NO time getting into the cake and she actually ate a lot of it.
She is not a baby anymore!

Other news: Salyna's surgery went really well. Recovery has been slow, which we expected.
Can't believe Thanksgiving and Christmas are around the corner!!