
Some fun pics

Introducing "Chloe"... our latest adoption...she is about 4 months old and she brings out the kitten in Penny, usually around 10 o'clock at night! It's been lots of fun having the both of them.I still don't know how these cats survive Andrew but they do...

for example, Chloe is very curious and oddly she likes water, so she was in the bathroom when Andrew had just gotten out of the bath. Andrew promptly picked her up and threw her in what was left of his bath water...

Here is a picture of Davis who is so excited and a little nervous for school to start next week. His biggest anxieties are over lunch and recess....imagine that!

I don't think many of you have ever seen Sydni with straight hair... we were bored last week and spent WAY too much time in front of the mirror with the straightening iron, but it was cute. We dont' do this very often anymore...she has A LOT of hair!!!

1 comment:

Jonathan Johnson said...

You guys are sure in the addition phase of life it seems!

The kids are as cute as ever. We miss you.
Jon and Denielle