But You Don't Look Sick website
The website is http://www.butyoudontlooksick.com/the_spoon_theory/ (We have a banner/link on the right side of our page)
It is done by a lady who has lupus. She has a very good writing called "The Spoon Theory" that is a really good illustration about what people with chronic illness/pain g0 through daily. It has really helped us explain to others what I/we go through. If you know anyone who has a chronic illness or chronic pain, please take the time to read the spoon theory, it is worth the time!
"Come, adore on bended knee..."
I pray that the joy and hope of Emmanuel, God with us, will be yours this Christmas and in the coming new year.
Already December?
And Christmas is coming fast!!! YEAH!!! We are excited to be able to fly to California... we fly into San Diego on Christmas Eve evening. This will be the first time the kids have really flown (Sydni flew at 3 months and Andrew at 5 months) or will remember it anyway. They are pretty excited too. Lord willing we will also be able to scatter Mimi's ashes while we are there. It will be great to be with family for Christmas!!
And only about 10 weeks until our new little baby boy will arrive....WOW!
Short Note
We are updating our "mailing" list, you know...real paper, real letters, envelope, stamp, the whole works. Please email Salyna if your address has changed in the the last year or if you are not sure that you are on our mailing list.
Now what?
Our lives go on... without my mom being a part of it, just the memories we have. I know the Lord's timing is perfect for His plans. Oh to stay focused on things above...
Missing our "Mimi"
Fall Fun
What a great time of fellowship!
Andrew wasn't so patient for his turn to ride the horse.
This was one of a couple trips that were made to help get folks back to the woods.
The campfire & picnic area was really neat. It was tucked back in the woods and there was even a "real treehouse" with a slide that the kids couldn't get enough of. Our night ended with extremely dirty kids who had fallen asleep before we made it home.
Some random pregnancy thoughts...
This pregnancy has been kind of odd I guess...not the being pregnant part, but getting used to the idea that we will have a newborn next year. I seem to almost forget some days, like the other day. We have a 4th bedroom that has been used as the school/office room, then it turned into the office we never use/just put it in there room, and now it's finally cleaned out, organized, and has a crib in it...the baby's room. Well, it has been habit to keep the door closed and I don't go in there very often, except to file something or get something from the craft stuff. So the other day I was going in there for something or other and when I opened the door and saw the crib I was almost startled..."oh yeah! there is going to be a baby in here!" was my reaction. Like being 21wks pregnant (and looking more weeks than that) wasn't enough of a reminder! HaHa!
I feel like we are so busy, we are worrying about lots of other things, and before I know it this pregnancy will be over. I almost feel like I'm missing it. So in relation to this Colossians study and being reminded of who really is in control of all the "stuff" that is going on... I hope I am able to relax a little and enjoy this special time.
It's a ...
Davis said, "Yes! I knew it was a boy!" And Sydni said, "Oh, darn it! I don't want another brother!" Maybe she will soon see the benefits of being the only girl!!
We are all very excited. I am a little less anxious now about all that needs to be done before February. I know that we have most of what we need, which would not have been the case if it were a girl. And so the drama of names has begun....we'll keep you posted!
"Give me your eyes..."
Birthday Girl!
Then Friday night we finally had a "birthday" cake and spent a couple hours at a local family fun center, riding rides and playing games.
What a weekend!
First, we (Miles & Salyna) went to Kansas City...alone! We can't even remember the last time we had a night and 2 days away. It was great! We spent some time with a friend we haven't seen in a very long time. Salyna and Leigh have been friends since 2nd grade, that's 23 years! Wow! We had fun celebrating Leigh's 30th birthday at an amusement center where we amused ourselves playing games for over 2 hours. Then we had a nice Italian dinner at a pretty upscale restaurant (also unusual for us). We were very thankful to Leigh for helping us out with a pretty upscale hotel room too, something we definitely are not used to.
We had a wonderful time of conversation and just spending time together, focused on one another. It really was an amazing weekend!
The kids also experienced something unusual, they weren't all together for the weekend. Sydni and Andrew spent the weekend with some good friends of ours who have 4 kids of their own. And Davis spent the weekend with some new friends who have 2 boys and celebrated a birthday too. It seems the kids had a great time too! We were all reunited Sunday evening with yet more time spent with friends.
(Belly Pic)
So today we have been recovering...haha! We are thinking and praying for all those affected or yet to be affected by the hurricane.
First Day of School!
Some fun pics
for example, Chloe is very curious and oddly she likes water, so she was in the bathroom when Andrew had just gotten out of the bath. Andrew promptly picked her up and threw her in what was left of his bath water...
Here is a picture of Davis who is so excited and a little nervous for school to start next week. His biggest anxieties are over lunch and recess....imagine that!
I don't think many of you have ever seen Sydni with straight hair... we were bored last week and spent WAY too much time in front of the mirror with the straightening iron, but it was cute. We dont' do this very often anymore...she has A LOT of hair!!!
Summer is almost gone...
We are thankful that our air conditioner has been able to keep up with the heat and humidity. It seems like it's been hard to even turn it off the last couple of weeks. I think the humidity will take us more than one season to get used to, if at all. None of us like it at all! It has also been challenging living in a neighborhood that comes alive about 8pm and doesn't quit until about 4am. Thankfully nothing threatening has gone on this summer, just lots of people and lots of loud music.
Some friends need prayer
The Friedrichs have about 3 weeks left in Lesotho and they are now facing the reality of having to leave people they have fallen in love with.
Please pray for little Palesa, the Beautiful Gate, and for Traig & Laura as they seek the Lord's will for what to do next after leaving Lesotho.
You can read much more about them on their blog at www.friedrichsinafrica.blogspot.com
Family, fireworks, & fireflies
Some quick updates
*Salyna's mom has been home from the hospital for a little over a week. She is supposed to be having a second round of radiation treatments soon but we don't know much beyond that.
*"Joe" moved to Oklahoma a couple weeks ago to live in a half way type house that is supposed to be Christian based. He is required to go to meetings and church which we pray will keep him on a sober path where he can deepen his relationship with the Lord. Miles has not talked to him much since he left but the last time he did he sounded good.
Blessings ~Miles & Salyna
Kennedy five...will be six
Our family will be growing again with the birth of our 4th baby sometime in mid-February. We are overjoyed that the Lord has chosen to bless us with another child. We are really excited - so can you imagine the kid's reactions, considering Davis has been praying for a baby sister for almost a year now!! Sydni's reaction has been our favorite so far. After several minutes of discussing this with the kids (which consisted of us trying to convince them, "yes", after they repeatedly asked "Are you sure?") Sydni said "Are you sure you want to do this again?" All we could do was laugh & say "yes". The family as a whole is of course hoping for a girl, but we will be happy no matter what.
Salyna's Mother
Our visit with her was challenging in some ways but it was good. The kids were sad to see their "Mimi" not feeling well as I was. I pray the Lord will comfort her and encourage her heart.
More Misc. stuff...
We also got to attend the annual Wichita Riverfest with lots of food, music, and kid's activities. We really enjoyed this time as a family! Davis enjoyed the Kansas National Guard vehicles.Sydni & Andrew with "The Bubbleman"
Sydni has finished Kindergarten and thinks the summer will last "forever" before she gets to go to 1st grade. This picture is from her field day the last week of school. Davis got to go visit the Kindergarten classrooms and meet the teachers, so he is anticipating summer taking "forever" as well!
Other stuff...
Thank you for continuing to pray for "Joe" and what role Miles is playing in his life. They have become friends and Joe is extremely thirsty for the Truth, seeking out answers, and has quite a few convictions he is working through. It has been amazing to listen to Miles talk about much Joe is grasping and passing on to his roommates. He still struggles as he seeks to live his life in a godly manner. It's very awesome to watch the Lord work through Miles.
Also we got the results of Davis' blood tests for allergies and they all came back negative. He has puzzled the doctors as well as mom and dad. His response was "I knew God would help me with my allergies, I've been praying about it every night!" What a humbling experience for us! It has shown us how much our faith is lacking. Rejoice with us in Davis' faith! So we have stopped his medicine for now to see how he does.
I will now conitue to enjoy the excitement of the springtime weather in Kansas...haha! The western part of the state has had A LOT of tornados the last two days and now those storms are headed our way. What an amazing display of power!
Until next time...Salyna
Misc. Stuff
*We also got the blood test results for Salyna. The rheumatologist was encouraged that the lupus and inflammation markers are low, which probably has something to do with her feeling pretty good lately. :)
*We've had some confusing information about Davis' allergies. The doctor did the skin testing again for all the environmental allergens and he tested negative for everything when less than a year ago in South Dakota he tested positive for nearly everything they tested him for. So now we are waiting on the results of his blood tests. We pray the Lord will make these things clear for us so we know how to continue treating him. He has been struggling the last couple months with his allergies leading to sickness.
*Andrew had his second experience with a cut on his forehead. This one was worse than last year; bigger, deeper, pretty gross. Instead of stitches they glued the cut shut and then put strips over top of it. It has healed really well but it looked bad for awhile.
*We have been trying to enjoy the Kansas storms. It would be much easier to do if they didn't happen at 2am.
*Today Miles took the Mobile Medical Clinic to Lighthouse Community Church, a World Impact church plant. They are planning on having the clinic begin to come to their church parking lot in June. It was so inspiring to see their church body and several World Impact folks praying together for this ministry. They have such a desire to help the hurting in their community. Here is a picture from this morning.
We hope you are having a wonderful spring and enjoying whatever celebrations may be going on... graduations, weddings, retirements, new babies, or even just the lilacs blooming. "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" Phil 4:4