
Not Yet.

Diagnosis? Not Yet.
Mrs. Wonderful is still not 100% comfortable with diagnosing Andrew at his age.
She really feels like it is Asperger's, but Asperger's has pretty strict diagnosing criteria, some of which cannot even be evaluated in Andrew yet because of his age. He simply just doesn't have enough life experience... yet! Mrs. Wonderful is confident that more of those things will come out when he begins attending school full time.
Until then...
We will be meeting with a Behaviorial Therapist who can hopefully help us to learn how to handle some things better, as well as teach Andrew some coping techniques. Like all of us, he too will have to cope with this life whether he likes it or not, whether it is harder for him than most or not!
Although I was a little disappointed with today's outcome, I am still confident that Mrs. Wonderful has and will continue to help us greatly! She was able to help us understand some of Andrew's behaviors and reinforced what we already thought was true about a couple of big (everyday) things we deal with.
1. "fairness" doesn't make sense to him - like if he got to ride in Grandpa's truck this morning then it is fair that Sydni & Davis get to ride in it this afternoon and he doesn't get to again since he already had a turn
2. his meltdowns are anxiety driven
3. he is not "picky"... he is rigid...he thrives on schedules and predictability... he doesn't like surprises, they cause anxiety, that causes meltdowns...
you get the idea.
Although he could officially be diagnosed with PDD-NOS (previously discussed in earlier post) Mrs. Wonderful thought it would be better to be patient, wait and give him the proper diagnosis at the proper time.
Thank you for your notes of encouragment and your prayers. We covet them both!

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