
More Misc Stuff & Pics

Okay... I got this to work finally!
Yes, we have entered the age of portable electronic devices for the kids. I kind of hated to REALLY give in, kind of! This scenario, at the table, is NOT allowed :)
And notice the headphones!
Amelleah all snuggled in her carseat with her WubbaNub pacifier.
Sydni is still enjoying being the big sister and is usually pretty good about helping Mom.
I was busy feeding Amelleah and Lincoln couldn't wait for my help...
he got quiet...
this is what I found :)
Wait a minute... I think Davis was confused!
At least it was a football team I guess.
We had a superbowl party...
from this pic it looks more like romper room!
At least we enjoyed the last 5 minutes of the game!
More birthdays. On Feb 16th my brother would have been 43 years old.
It's still hard to believe he is gone... and for 7 years!
Here are some of my favorite pics with him.

The last time we were together. The week of my wedding which also included Thanksgiving!
Our weather has been a little schitzophrenic lately.
Last week it was REALLY nice and actually a little too warm for me.
So Amelleah made her first trip to the zoo. She did great!

This gorilla kind of had an attitude. He sat and stared at the crowd for awhile then smacked the glass, walked off, and proceeded to sit with his back to us.
Lincoln was amused :)
My birthday was the 18th and 2 friends also have
February birthdays so we had the perfect excuse for a girl's night out!
4+ hours at PF Changs, fabulous!!

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