
Thanksgiving #1

(Once again thanks to Blogger, there are 2 posts)
We got to spend a wonderful long weekend in Colorado with Miles' mom's side of the family. Grandma Cookie and Grandpa Don opened up their house to our 6 plus Miles' sister and fiance, Michelle and George. We hadn't seen Michelle since our wedding which means she had never met any of the kids! It was great to spend so much time together.
Beautiful sunrise over the mountains... this was the view from the backporch.

Grandpa Don's new tractor was a big attraction and I think he got it out everyday so the kids could take turns steering/riding on it! And the big kids played on it a little too! We saw the beautiful Rio Grande River with ice chunks in it.
Did you know that there are sand dunes in Colorado?? We didn't either!!

Grandma & Grandpa with the kids... um... where did Andrew go???

In the middle of a valley surrounded by mountains on all sides, near where we stayed, is Sand Dunes National Monument. We were going to just "see" them... well, thanks to Uncle George daring the boys they couldn't make it to the top... they tried. Then Miles and Grandpa (and eventually George too) had to go after them. That was something that WASN'T part of the plan. Next time we will be prepared with sleds in tow! Those little dots in the middle of the picture in the sand... those are people!!
From the dunes we headed 7 miles south to Zapata Falls with a half-mile rocky, nearly straight up, hike. But it was worth it!
(please see the Thanksgiving #2 post for the rest of the pictures)

We have been having a terrible time with Blogger and posting pictures... SO, we may be changing our site soon!!
And a little side note... On the 25th of November we celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary!!
Reflecting on the past 9yrs was quite overwhelming. We have been through SO much, good and bad. But we are thankful for ALL of what the Lord has brought us through and we hope for many, many more years!!

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