
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

It is Christmas Eve and the snow is finally sticking... looks like it will be a white Christmas! The past couple of weeks have been an emotional rollercoaster for me (Salyna). Christmas was my mom's favorite time of year. The last two years we have been in California for Christmas so I have been trying to get excited about being home this year... I think I am only excited about wearing jammies all day and not rushing around. We have put up one of my mom's favorite decorations... a lighted train now adorns our porch railing. It is still a struggle to want to send pictures to Mimi or to just call her.
Lincoln discovered the photo albums. He pulled out my old one from when I was a kid and I couldn't help but cry when I saw this one, so I thought I'd share it! I'm not sure if this was 1979 or 1980... the resemblence is kinda crazy, but I love it!

Finally putting up the tree.

Lincoln's very first Christmas gift, an ornament from Grandma Ries.
Sydni, Davis, Andrew, and Salyna were part of the Christmas program, "Silent Night, Holy Night" at Lighthouse Community Church. Sydni was an angel, the one who appeared to Joseph. Davis was one of the wise men. Andrew played a part where we put an ornament on the tree. Salyna was the narrator. It was a lot of fun and there was a packed house for the show.

I love how "Joseph" was just chillin in the stable!!!

This year we hosted the Good Samaritan Clinic Christmas party at our house. We had four different soups, lots of yummy appetizers, and way too much dessert!! We played a white elephant gift exchange game and had lots of laughs!!

Food, Fellowship, and Fun!

This hat was one of the most entertaining gifts! Did we ever decide on Dennis' pope name???

So we've had the program and the party and we have decorations, gifts, and even snow! It does look and feel like Christmas. May we all remember the true meaning of Christmas...
Emmanuel - God with us!

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