
School's Out!

Memorial Day weekend was great! We stayed home but pretended to be "camping"... we spent ALOT of time outside, BBQ-ed a couple times, and even made s'mores in the oven before the kids camped out in their "fort" - Daddy helped by hanging sheets from the walls and building up the fortress with toybins.

They watched a movie and Davis & Andrew actually "camped" in there all night!
Where was Lincoln all weekend? Sitting in the shade or napping with Mommy - always the best part of camping!

The first day of school pictures are filled with anticipation, but so are the last day of school pictures! Both Sydni and Davis came running out, it was great and made Mommy smile!!

Look at all that hair!!
We are so proud of both of them. They were both on the Honor Roll all four quarters, so we thought it was a good time to get Sydni a bigger bike and Davis the skateboard he's been wanting for about 2 years now!

A California Girl - she picked out a beach cruiser style bike - how could we resist!!
He only fell once the first day... I pray future posts do not include any pictures of casts!
Andrew didn't adjust very well over Spring Break, so we are very curious to see how he will adjust to the older kids being home for the summer. This picture pretty much sums up his attitude lately!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Fun times! We will watch (spy) for you out our window and maybe join you when we see you sitting in the shade some days.