
Funny Kid

Because we do not live close to any family, especially grandparents, they miss out on a lot of the funny things the kids do... so I thought I'd post a funny conversation that took place yesterday. If you are not one of our grandparents you may still get a laugh.
So, at dinner during conversation (I don't recall exactly what) I was caught off guard by something Davis was saying to Sydni about wearing 2 pairs of underwear.
I said, "What are you talking about? Why did you wear 2 pairs of underwear today?"
Without missing a beat, he responded, "So when Dad spanks me I won't feel it as much".
As Miles and I were holding back laughter Miles then asked Davis, "Did it work?"
With a little giggle, he answered quietly, "No."

1 comment:

Amber said...

He is too smart for his own good!! I am picturing the conference meeting between Sydni and Davis when they came up with this brilliant idea :)

Love the fall background! I usually just read from Reader.