

I (Salyna) have hesitated writing a personal thought type post for awhile and I guess now is the time. I am kind of throwing around the idea of creating a second blog that would be personal thought orientated instead of family news & pics.
It has seemed strange to me how much my mom's death has really affected me and maybe strange isn't the right word. It just feels strange I guess because I have never had a mother die before. Not only was she my mom, she was my friend. We had been through SO many things together, literally and figuratively. And it's very strange to not have her going through THIS with me. Does that even make sense??
(Point Loma - San Diego, California)

It has been six months and I'm still waiting for her to call, it seems like it has been SO long. The last time I saw her was this time last year when she made her one and only trip to Kansas. In fact, she left to go home on this date. Waiting in the airport...I can still see her looking at me and smiling through her sadness, wishing she could stay. I have a similar picture of what she might have looked like entering Heaven... smiling through the sadness, wishing she could stay. I know with all my heart that the Lord's timing is perfect.
I have worked with people who were dying. I have stood beside the bed of a few as they took their last breaths. I have had friends die, grandparents die, and my brother too. Each death has changed me in some way... changed what I have thought about death. My mom's death is different in some way and I'm not sure I can even explain it. My heart just breaks at the thought that my kids may feel this way one day when their mom dies... and their mom is ME!
Again, strange....

I think that being six months pregnant when she died was a huge blessing but is also part of this strangeness. While I was pregnant I had something amazing & life-changing to look forward to, to focus on... then Lincoln was born and that was gone. It was like she died all over again. Needless to say it didn't take long for postpartum to kick in and my wonderful husband to take me to the doctor for meds! :) So maybe I am just now really beginning to grieve?

The life of the Apostle Paul has really been on my mind lately. He wrote a lot about contentment. I have yet to do a full study on this topic, but I think that may be where I'm headed. Paul learned to be content in his circumstances. He was not content because of his circumstances. What a huge lesson! Paul was only able to be content because of his faith in Christ. He was content because he understood that God's grace was sufficient. For Christ he was content.
My mom's death is no doubt a lesson in the course of contentment.
I miss you Mom!

School's Out!

Memorial Day weekend was great! We stayed home but pretended to be "camping"... we spent ALOT of time outside, BBQ-ed a couple times, and even made s'mores in the oven before the kids camped out in their "fort" - Daddy helped by hanging sheets from the walls and building up the fortress with toybins.

They watched a movie and Davis & Andrew actually "camped" in there all night!
Where was Lincoln all weekend? Sitting in the shade or napping with Mommy - always the best part of camping!

The first day of school pictures are filled with anticipation, but so are the last day of school pictures! Both Sydni and Davis came running out, it was great and made Mommy smile!!

Look at all that hair!!
We are so proud of both of them. They were both on the Honor Roll all four quarters, so we thought it was a good time to get Sydni a bigger bike and Davis the skateboard he's been wanting for about 2 years now!

A California Girl - she picked out a beach cruiser style bike - how could we resist!!
He only fell once the first day... I pray future posts do not include any pictures of casts!
Andrew didn't adjust very well over Spring Break, so we are very curious to see how he will adjust to the older kids being home for the summer. This picture pretty much sums up his attitude lately!


Summer is almost here...

Only three more days of school then Davis will be a 1st grader and Sydni a 2nd grader... they will both be out of school for 11 weeks!! What are we going to do for 11 weeks??? This has been the family question lately. So here is the list so far... Sydni is reading the Cul-de-sac Kids book series, 6 books at a time. Once she finishes a set, she will get another. We are glad that she LOVES to read. We have "homework" books ready to go with a few science experiments. Crafts of course! Trips to the zoo. Hoping a kids movie plays at the Drive-In again. Grandma Cookie is coming to visit. Sydni, Davis, & Andrew will be spending some time (seperately) with Grandpa & Grandma in South Dakota... Davis will get to go fishing with Grandpa!
Lincoln is 3 months old, sleeping through the night, smiling a lot, and even "talking" too! I'm not so sure that babies his age get bored, but it sure seems like he doesn't like to be alone nor does he enjoy quiet... must be a 4th child thing.
I take tummy time seriously... I don't think I really like it

This last month has included lots of family time... via sickness that made it's rounds, kept kids home from school and dad home from work. Mom got the worst of it...3 weeks worth. The kids have been enjoying the nice weather that allows them to play outside. Speaking of weather... we have had a couple opportunities to practice our tornado precautions.

Getting settled for the movie!

We made our first trip of the season to the Drive-In to see Monsters vs. Aliens and The Hannah Montana movie.

Lincoln went to the zoo for the first time when we got a members sneek peek of the new tiger exhibit. We think he really enjoyed it, he loves being outside.

So how will you be spending your summer?


A Great Video

I can't believe it has been nearly a month since we have posted anything... sorry, sorry, sorry... especially for the lack of pics. We will try to get an update done this weekend.
In the meantime please take a couple minutes to view this youtube video... it is GREAT!
Well, I can't figure out how to post this video so I will just provide you with the link. Enjoy!