
But You Don't Look Sick website

I have wanted to share a website and some info for some time...in fact it's been so long I can't remember if I ever did post anything about it...if I have, sorry, you'll have to forgive me and my pregnant brain!!

The website is http://www.butyoudontlooksick.com/the_spoon_theory/ (We have a banner/link on the right side of our page)
It is done by a lady who has lupus. She has a very good writing called "The Spoon Theory" that is a really good illustration about what people with chronic illness/pain g0 through daily. It has really helped us explain to others what I/we go through. If you know anyone who has a chronic illness or chronic pain, please take the time to read the spoon theory, it is worth the time!

"Come, adore on bended knee..."

"Angels We Have Heard on High" is one of my favorite Christmas songs and it seems that this year I cannot sing it without crying. It just really humbles me to remember how completely human Jesus was while still being completely divine. He chose to come to earth as a little baby, completely dependent on his earthly parents to care for him. And as he laid in a lowly manger shepherds knelt and worshipped this newborn king. How different a picture this is then the picture of the cross, where Jesus' mother most certainly fell to her knees. The cross was the whole reason he came to earth. As I adore Christ on bended knee this season, I am overflowing with so much emotion...joy, hope, sadness, love, anticipation, peace, thanksgiving... I am thankful that although the events in my present life here on earth are not always easy, I have the hope of spending eternity with Jesus where there will be no more tears. I know that nothing I go through isn't something Christ cannot understand or went through himself. So I kneel at the feet of Jesus...the tiny, newborn feet in the manger and the traveled, dying feet on the cross.

I pray that the joy and hope of Emmanuel, God with us, will be yours this Christmas and in the coming new year.


Already December?

It is hard to believe that this wonderful season is already beginning this year...so much has happened in the last few weeks, months, well ok, the last year really. We have been getting settled into our apartment. Salyna's dad and stepmom stayed with us for a couple days the week before Thanksgiving on their way to Atlanta. We celebrated Thanksgiving with World Impact missionaries/staff and friends at the new ministry house, which was a great time of fellowship, not to mention a lot of GREAT food! Then we had our own "Thanksgiving"... turkey tacos and going to see Madagascar 2, a nice day of family time for us. Then Salyna's dad and stepmom were on their way back home...so we got to see them again!! And somewhere in there Syd lost a front tooth...the other will be missing soon too!

And Christmas is coming fast!!! YEAH!!! We are excited to be able to fly to California... we fly into San Diego on Christmas Eve evening. This will be the first time the kids have really flown (Sydni flew at 3 months and Andrew at 5 months) or will remember it anyway. They are pretty excited too. Lord willing we will also be able to scatter Mimi's ashes while we are there. It will be great to be with family for Christmas!!

And only about 10 weeks until our new little baby boy will arrive....WOW!