
copy of Kennedy Connection letter

Proverbs 22:2 says “The rich and the poor have this in common,
The LORD is the maker of them all.”

We have been quite busy lately…and thanks be to God because it has been all His doing. The short version is this…
We went to Wichita, Kansas in July and visited World Impact, a Christian missions organization that focuses on ministries in the inner cities of our country. After much prayer and conversation Miles was offered a job with them. So, yes, once again we will be moving. We are planning on leaving for Wichita on Sept. 9th or 10th.

You can check out World Impact at their websites, www.worldimpact.org and www.wiwichita.org. You can also find a great book on their website, Out of Ashes by Keith Phillips, President of World Impact.

The Kids in Wichita - July '07
There are poor and brokenhearted people who do not know of the hope of Jesus Christ right here in the cities of our own country. We have always had a heart for others who are going through some of the same things we have been through. We yearn to share the love of Christ with them.

Proverbs 21:13 says “Whoever shuts his ears to the cry of the poor will also cry himself and not be heard.”

We always knew that our past life experiences and our love for our Lord would one day lead to a full time ministry, but we never dreamed it would be this early in our lives. The Lord will use us for His glory when we are open and willing. We pray that our humbleness, brokenness, and willingness will remain.
Family Happenings
We had a great time with Salyna’s mom when she came to visit for two weeks in June Salyna has been feeling pretty well, doing better than she has in years. She has decided to try home schooling this year Sydni will turn 6 on Sept. 4…WOW Davis is growing!! He still struggles with allergies, but is doing well We are all enjoying Andrew being 19mo. old. He has a great personality Miles continues to be in the Word constantly. The Lord has been gracious with allowing him to grow so quickly in faith and knowledge.

Please Pray With Us
† For Us to remain sensitive to the Spirit’s leading and letting God direct our paths
† We would quickly find housing in Wichita
† Wisdom for Miles as he begins this new job and ministry
† Strength and patience for Salyna as she begins home schooling
† Financial needs would be met, specifically- moving/relocating expenses & medical expenses as we will be without insurance for 90 days
□ Some of our moving expenses have already been paid
□ Miles’ dad, Gary Kennedy, had surgery for prostate cancer on Aug. 10th. His doctors believe they got all of the cancer. Please pray for his continued recovery.
Raising Support

World Impact would like their staff to help raise financial support to cover living expenses, medical insurance, etc. If you would like to help support us in this ministry or with relocating expenses, please send any correspondence to the address below.

Miles & Salyna Kennedy
c/o World Impact
3701 E. 13th St.
Wichita, KS 67208

We will be staying in a temporary apartment until we can find other housing. Our email addresses will remain the same:
kennedymiles@hotmail.com kennedysalyna@hotmail.com
Our cell phone numbers will be the same for a little while, we will update you when they change.
Miles 605-890-9646● Salyna 605-890-9489


We would like to thank everyone who has already been praying for us and been in contact with us regarding this move. It is comforting to know that our family & friends and brothers & sisters in Christ are sharing in this with us. As we spend much of our time preparing for this move, we still think of and pray for you too. Please let us know what is going on in your life and how we can be praying for you.

May we all be reminded that the Maker of us all loves us, will never leave us, and gives us a joy and peace that surpasses our understanding.

In His wonderful grace,
The Kennedy Five

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