First, on Dec. 29th Andrew turned 4 years old. He finally got the BuzzLightyear toy he had been eyeing for months. Just seeing him open it made it worth the stress of trying to find it after Christmas and the results of the storm that weekend... whewww!!
On Dec 31st Davis turned 7 years old and we didn't get any really good present opening pics.
We decided to celebrate the boys birthdays along with Miles' birthday which was Jan. 2nd, we spent the weekend in Kansas City! The kids REALLY loved the family suite we stayed in, can you tell?????
Lincoln's favorite thing about the whole trip was the full length mirror he could look into. And being able to WALK all over the big room!
"Who is that cute little man?"
1st stop, T-Rex Cafe... Made by the guy who does the Rainforest Cafe. Lots of fun for everyone... just a little scary for the weak at heart. Here is Davis at the front of the restaurant with a little editing effect.
This pic is kind of dark... more of the restaurant
"Happy Birthday to you... RRRRRaaarrrrrr!"
This was the boys favorite ride.
Nothing like competition... Dance Dance Revolution, they have done this in PE at school and had a blast!
Lincoln enjoyed all the lights and activity mostly from the stroller and was a good sport about it!
This has always been my favorite carnival ride... so I HAD to enjoy it with the boys. Sydni was scared and wanted to go with Daddy... big mistake for her... haha!!
Indoor GO-Karts!
Indoor GO-Karts!
And all the video games you could imagine. Davis actually did really well with all the driving games!
Indoor cosmic mini-golf... I think Davis was the only one who really enjoyed this. Maybe Lincoln enjoyed the weird lighting.
3rd stop - Crown Center, which was beautiful but it was entirely too cold to be enjoyed. We were not prepared enough to ride the train or ice skate or even walk around outside for that matter. But the lighting and decor was beautiful. We did spend some time inside at the shops and at the the Crayola store.
So here is the proof... Lincoln is WALKING... all over the place, in fact he hasn't played with his toys as much. He just spends a lot of time walking all over the place!!! So cute!!
And then we began this week with a very sick boy! After 3 long days, he is slowly recovering from a serious run in with strep throat and puking... gross!!
We went to the Cheesecake Factory for Miles' birthday dinner... YUM!
We spent 2 meals and some shopping with Leigh!!
We waited for 15 minutes in line for Panda Express (our fav Cali chinese food) at the drive-thru and our food was sitting at the window the whole time!
We got lost in the city because our GPS hasn't been updated in years!
It snowed the night before and morning of when we were supposed to leave to come home... gave us an excuse to hang around a little longer!
Good thing we hung around, we saw several cars in the ditch or being pulled including a semi!
Good thing we hung around, we saw several cars in the ditch or being pulled including a semi!
Whew... 2010 has started off crazy-busy!!!