
More first pics

Yes, it is true... Miles got to help deliver Lincoln. We were induced in the morning on Wednesday and had a very stressful, exhausting day. Lincoln's heartrate kept dropping unless I stayed in one position. I also had an epidural that wasn't placed right and after trying to adjust it, had to be taken out and redone. Then a second time it didn't work. So after fixing it again I did have relief about an hour before the delivery. So it was great to have the excitement of our doctor and Miles at the end of such a long day.

First visitors were Grandma & Grandpa (Salyna's stepmom & dad)
They had a long couple of days too...at home with 3 kids was quite a change from retired life!
We can't thank them enough for their help! Hope you are enjoying you vacation!

Andrew looks like he knows what he's doing... he's been great, not jealous (yet) and not too overwhelmingly interested either.
We've never seen Davis sit still for so long... but he does when he has his turn holding "the cutest baby ever"... that was his first reaction to seeing Lincoln.

Sydni has been a big help and would hold him all day if he'd let her.

Many people have asked about his name... well, we already liked the name Lincoln (before we found out about the bi-centennial) and no he wasn't born on Lincoln's birthday, it was the day before. And Eugene is a family name from Salyna's side, her dad's middle name and it was also her brother's middle name who passed away four years ago.

Lincoln is an amazing addition to our family! We are blessed beyond measure!



Lincoln Eugene Kennedy
Born on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 at 6:55pm
8 lbs 5 oz
19 in