
Kennedy Family Fun

So the rest of the Kennedys (minus Aunt Liz, Alan & Shannon, Robert) came to Kansas... Grandpa Gary & Grandma Molly (Miles' dad & stepmom), Great Grandpa Kennedy (Miles' grandpa), and Uncle Steve (Miles' uncle). Sorry these are a little dark

It has been 5 yrs since they braved the traveling to come see us and I think they wanted to meet Lincoln! They arrived on a Tuesday at 10:45pm, so the kids were excited to start off the visit with staying up late and going to the airport in PJs. (except Sydni... she didn't want to be seen at the airport wearing pajamas)

We got to play like tourists (Salyna more than Miles)... of course another trip to the zoo!

Lincoln really seemed to enjoy being at the zoo this time, I think he is old enough to realize he was somewhere different. He wasted no time grabbing this sheep when it got close enough!

We also celebrated Sydni's 8th birthday a little early. We took her to a Japanese Steakhouse where they cook in front of you on a tepan grill. She is into cooking these days so it was perfect. She really liked it.

Andrew eventually enjoyed himself too but the first fire really scared him!

After opening presents we had a little dance party...

Yes, that is Great Grandpa and yes, they are doing the Macarena... this was hilarious!

Sydni got pampered with her 1st pedicure thanks to Grandma Molly! This was fun girly time!
This was our last ditch effort to get a 4 generation picture... needless to say, it didn't go well.
*Extra Pics - From the end of the 1st day of school, we got a break from the rain for a couple hours.


First Day of School!

Well, today was the 1st day of school... 1st and 2nd grade! The kids excitement got rained out, literally! It began raining before we left for school and when we pulled up the water was running over the curb.
So instead of waiting outside and saying hello to friends, we sat in the van. I hope the weather is better when school gets out! Maybe I will get more pics.

Look at how dark it is out the windows!

This is all the parents still standing around while the kids are filing in. (I stayed in the van with Andrew & Lincoln) Sydni & Davis are in there somewhere. I'm not sure the umbrellas were really all that beneficial!

When we left Colorado to head home from vacation Sydni went to South Dakota with Grandpa & Grandma. We met them at Lovewell Resevoir the next weekend to pick her up.

What a surprise to see my cousin and a couple of her kids, plus we got to go out on their boat.
My cousins daughter being pulled.... looked like SO much fun!

Here is a couple recent pics of Lincoln. FYI... at his 6mo checkup he weighed 17lbs!!!

We have this exact pose with all 4 kids now! They always love the hats!

He may crawl now that the kids are back in school and won't be around as much to carry him around!

Must have been a long day!
He really enjoys bathtime lately!