
Missing our "Mimi"

By now I think most everyone knows that Salyna's mom, Sharon, passed away on Saturday, October 25. As our family spends time in California making arrangements, spending time with family, and going through "Mimi's" things we cannot help but miss her terribly. Davis had said (after knowing that Mimi was sick and was going to die) "She can't die, she was the best Mimi we ever had. I will miss her." I think he spoke for the entire family with those words.

Words cannot express our appreciation for all of the prayers, phone calls, and emails. We wanted to share a poem with you that will be given out to those who are going on a celebration harbor cruise in rememberence of Mimi:
Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free.
I'm following the path God has laid you see.
I took His hand when I heard him call.
I turned my back and left it all.
I could not stay another day.
To laugh, to love, to work or play.
Tasks left undone must stay that way.
I found that peace at the close of the day.
If my parting has left a void,
Then fill it with remembered joys.
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss.
O yes, these things I too will miss.
Be not burdened with times of sorrow.
I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow.
My life's been full, I savored much.
Good friends, good times, a loved one's touch.
Perhaps my time seemed all too brief.
Don't lengthen it now with undue grief.
Lift up your hearts and peace to Thee.
God wanted me now, He set me free!
Author Unknown


Fall Fun

Saturday our family spent the afternoon & evening with other World Impact staff & volunteers. We played games, the kids got to "ride" the horse, we went on a hayride, & had a campfire dinner of roasted hot dogs, followed by roasting marshmallows & yummy s'mores!
What a great time of fellowship!

Andrew wasn't so patient for his turn to ride the horse.

This was one of a couple trips that were made to help get folks back to the woods.
The campfire & picnic area was really neat. It was tucked back in the woods and there was even a "real treehouse" with a slide that the kids couldn't get enough of. Our night ended with extremely dirty kids who had fallen asleep before we made it home.


Some random pregnancy thoughts...

We just started studying the book of Colossians in the women's Bible study at church and I feel like I've had one of those "Ah hah!" or lightbulb moments...or maybe it's just because I'm pregnant. Paul's letter really reminded the Colossians (and myself) that God is the Creator of all things and all things are upheld because of Him; not some things or most things, but ALL things. I love it when the Lord kind of slaps me upside the head when I think that my life is out of control or that I don't have any control over it, because...well, He's got it all figured out, planned out, and completely under control as far as HE is concerned. It's a good thing to be reminded of you know!

This pregnancy has been kind of odd I guess...not the being pregnant part, but getting used to the idea that we will have a newborn next year. I seem to almost forget some days, like the other day. We have a 4th bedroom that has been used as the school/office room, then it turned into the office we never use/just put it in there room, and now it's finally cleaned out, organized, and has a crib in it...the baby's room. Well, it has been habit to keep the door closed and I don't go in there very often, except to file something or get something from the craft stuff. So the other day I was going in there for something or other and when I opened the door and saw the crib I was almost startled..."oh yeah! there is going to be a baby in here!" was my reaction. Like being 21wks pregnant (and looking more weeks than that) wasn't enough of a reminder! HaHa!

I feel like we are so busy, we are worrying about lots of other things, and before I know it this pregnancy will be over. I almost feel like I'm missing it. So in relation to this Colossians study and being reminded of who really is in control of all the "stuff" that is going on... I hope I am able to relax a little and enjoy this special time.