
What an amazing gift!

Isaiah 7:14 says: "Therefore the LORD Himself will give you a sign; Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel."

What an amazing gift was given to us so many years ago, such a divine gift, humbly wrapped in swaddling clothes in a lowly manger. Blessed be HIS name!

Happy Birthday Jesus!


Christmas came early...

We were able to celebrate this past Saturday while Salyna's dad and stepmom were here before we head west to spend Christmas in San Diego. Just the thought of being there makes us smile. We are all pretty excited. We are even planning on seeing some dear friends along the way. The last couple of weeks have been very busy, but we have constantly been reminded of how good the Lord is to us and just how undeserving we are.

Have a wonderful Christmas,
Miles, Salyna, Sydni, Davis, & Andrew


All is well.

We made it through the ice storm with only a couple flickers of the lights, we never lost power. Some on the other side of the city lost power and most of the damage around us was a little farther north of Wichita. So we really fared well compared to most of the rest of the midwest. Amen!
All of the ice on the trees really is pretty!



YES, it is really here! Yesterday we got over the feeling of being spoiled about the lack of winter here in Kansas. If anyone has the weather channel they know about the ice storm. Well, we are next in line for it. We made a trip to Walmart today, stored up some extra water, and now officially know where our flashlight is and with new batteries. Everyone here is anticipating a pretty bad storm comparable to one that hit 3yrs ago and left the city a mess with downed trees and no power for a couple days.

And we were worried about tornados?! Someone forgot to tell us about the ice or maybe we just forgot?! I have to say that it is strange do have a downpour of rain when it's only 31 degrees!

We pray that this storm makes it's way through without inconveniencing our lives too bad and that Salyna's dad & stepmom will still make it down later this week. Then...maybe winter will be over by the end of next week when we get ready to head out ourselves....HA!



I was reminded today that we still had not yet posted a picture of our "house"-townhome- well, our home!

This is a duplex with the common walls on the opposite side of the garage. I should have taken a picture down the street....anyway, imagine an entire street, a long street, with about 25 of these duplex buildings all on one side of the street. Lining the other side of the street are driveways with 4 one car garages on each side of the driveway which belong to the corresponding apartments. Oh yeah, they all are painted the same too. Every time someone comes over they always call and say "what number is your house again", it's so funny. We haven't counted how many units that would make, but all the units are either 3 or 4 bedrooms so there is a family with children in each unit. That is A LOT of people on ONE street!! This is a happin' place on Friday and Saturday nights!!
We are really encouraged with how many kids and teens live so close. We are excited to think of the possibilities that God might have in store for us. We are praying about ways to meet these kids and get a Bible club going. Since winter is finally here this will probably not happen until Spring.