
Connection Letter copy

Psalm 70:4
“Let all those who seek You rejoice and be glad in You; And let those who love Your salvation say continually,
‘Let God be magnified!’”

We have been in Wichita, Kansas for over a month already! We can hardly believe it. We are really enjoying this part of the country, and “no” we haven’t seen any tornados. There is a lot to do here with parks, museums, farmers markets, biking trails, and rivers. We haven’t done a whole lot yet, but we are looking forward to the time we will spend here, however long the Lord allows. We apologize for taking so long in getting an update letter out. We wanted to have some things to update on.
Family Happenings
Davis started Kindergarten (with some modifications). Sydni started 1st grade. Andrew stopped taking morning naps. Miles is working like crazy. Salyna’s hair is falling out. Not really! Everyone is doing very well. Homeschooling has been an adjustment to our family life, but a decision that we feel good about. We plan on taking it year by year, child by child. Sydni had exciting news with the loss of her first tooth. Davis is still struggling with his allergies. Salyna is getting used to living with stairs, but overall is still doing well. Can you believe the boys will be 2 and 5 years old in December?
We moved into our new place on Oct. 19th, a four bedroom/two bathroom town home. We live just short of a mile from World Impact. It is a lower income neighborhood with a large number of people in a small area. Opportunities to be a shining light abound here. It has been amazing to be working for the Lord and wholly giving our lives for Him. We are blessed with many loving people from WI. We are blessed to have brothers and sisters in Christ that share our burdens. We can always get mail at the World Impact address but if you prefer, our new home address is: 1206 N. Williamsburg St., Wichita, KS 67208. We still have the same cell phone numbers.
In the midst of moving, working, and schooling we have made some time to spend getting familiar with the city. With a population of about 350,000 it is a nice size for us, somewhere in between the chaos of southern California and the remoteness of South Dakota. We have found several nice parks, walked along the river, and even found our way out of a corn maze. The kids are adjusting and seem to really like it here. They have been attending AWANA at a church that we are considering making our home church.

More Than A Job
We only imagined how awesome it would be to have a job that required you to help hurting people and also be able to share not only the love of Jesus, but the gospel. We could only imagine what our minds could think up and we didn’t even come close. Miles recently wrote to some friends, “I thought I would be unprepared for ministry. I found out that I am not the concern and am reminded that the Holy Spirit is in control. The spiritual warfare is real and in your face. Satan is truly stripping the hope from people who have little to start with. I thought I would be fearful of the crime, but I am only more aware of the need of the oppressed. I can’t say that I drive the clinic into nice beautiful neighborhoods. In reality, I go where there are bars on windows and for good reason.”
The World Impact ministries reach way beyond the medical clinic, and they ARE reaching the poor and the oppressed. People, and in a lot of cases, families are being led to Christ. Families are being healed. The Bible is being taught to those who cannot attend formal institutions. Churches and Bible Clubs are being started right in their own neighborhoods.
PASSION-Something we can only describe in human terms because of the passion we have previously felt about something. Falling in love, a newborn baby, starting a new ministry, traveling to a foreign land and witnessing their way of life-then wanting to bring them hope, the good news of everlasting life. While several of our friends have passion for the unchurched people in another country. We have that same passion for the unchurched in the cities of our own country. May we all do this work, for His glory, not our own.
Praises & Prayers
* We had a safe trip! We are healthy! The Lord is graciously leading us!
° Please pray for safety and wisdom for Miles.
° Please pray for Salyna’s health to remain good and patience with school.
° Please pray for the people we minister to, that they would see Jesus’ love in us.

3701 E. 13th. St. N, Wichita,KS, 67208 · Miles 605-890-9646 · Salyna 605-890-9489


Just some fun pics

Along the river

Lost in a corn maze

Silly Kids!


Sharing my heart

I feel like I have been a little out of touch since we've moved. I don't have a whole lot of extra time so I wanted to take the time now to connect a little bit. I apologize that I haven't been able to send out a lot of personal emails, but it is a wonderful way to keep in touch!

Anyway... I have been overwhelmed with all my responsibilities of wife, mother, teacher, maid but I have also been overwhelmed deep down in my heart by the things I've seen here in Wichita and things I have been reminded of. We were all given the same great commission to go into all the world and preach the gospel and something occured to me this week that I had not really embraced. "The world" also happens to be "my world" right here where I am. I think I became comfortable in small town America in my own little world and cirlce of family and friends, that I forgot about the world across the street or next door. I look back at all the opportunities I missed to share the gospel with a neighbor, not to mention the numbers of people I came into contact with out in town. Of course I cannot go back and change any of that, I can only learn from it.

My heart is heavy for the amount of "world" God has given to me here. The amount of love that the Lord has filled me with is amazing, it's definitely something I could not do on my own (especially driving in the city...haha). In all seriousness, how can we witness to our neighbors and the world without first loving them. God has a purpose and a plan for them just as much as He does for me and you. They have issues of life occuring behind closed doors just like I do. They have health issues, money worries, family strains, etc.... Essentially they are human, just like me.

If they don't have Jesus, where does their hope come from? They don't have any hope. Many of them have never even heard of the hope they could have in the Lord and many of them are running from the truth they have heard. How am I to know what they hope in? I can't. But I can love them and pray that they will see Jesus' love through me.

I serve a truly amazing God. A God of love, of peace, of joy; the kind only He can fill me with. It's only by Him that I seek to see the people around me not as mere strangers, neighbors, or aquaintances but as people that the Lord loves and has a plan for too.