
So it's been awhile...

Sorry it has been so long since our last post. In some ways we have been really busy and in other ways we feel like we haven't been busy at all...
Okay....let me explain.
After all the kids had the chickenpox it seemed like they just continued to be sick. And then we were sick as well with flu like stuff and food poisoning. And Salyna has not been feeling very well with her Lupus or whatever it is (she still has not gotten a diagnosis). So it seems those things take up a lot of time.
On the other hand we HAVE been doing things. Miles has been teaching Sunday School again and the kids have finally been well enough to get back into there Sunday Schools and AWANA program. Our living situation in Hot Springs had been on both our hearts for quite some time and the Lord finally started opening doors and closing others in order for us to move again. Since Miles going to school didn't seem like it would ever work out we decided to be open to what God wanted us to do. Quite frankly it's been hard living on part time wages for the last 2 years, but the Lord has continued to provide. We prayed that wherever God wanted us He would provide everything... a better paying job and/or more hours, a more effectient place to live, and a church if we moved. Well, his job being full time here was not a reality and there were no other places for rent in Hot Springs. So we started looking elsewhere. We started praying about Spearfish (about 110 miles northwest of Hot Springs). Then one thing after another has fallen into place, the company Miles works for is located in Spearfish and they offered him full time there, we will be renting (and praying about buying) a mobile home in Spearfish from some good Christian friends we made here in Hot Springs, and we may have already found a church (the kids attended AWANA there last week and their doctrinal statement looks good, we have yet to attend a Sunday service). As well as doors opening, there has been some shut; one mainly being the end of a monthly carpet job that Miles used to do with Salyna's dad, which was part of our monthly income.
One thing we originally struggled with was the ministries at church and the other people's lives we have become to be a part of. Well, there have been several people raised up to help with youth group and other people's situations are changing just like ours. So we now have a peace about leaving Calvary and moving on to another church that may need more workers. Please keep us in prayer over these moving details and finding another church to call home where we will be able to serve our Saviour. Our move is planned for April 21st.
Other Stuff:
Sydni is no longer in pre-school. She wasn't being challenged enough and ended up picking up more bad behavior than learning anything. So she will go to Kindergarten next fall. Andrew is growing up SO fast. He now fights to be able to "feed" himself and even plays at the park now, with no fear even! He is trying to talk SO much everyday, it's been great. Davis is still struggling with his allergies and has an appointment with the specialist in April. Despite being the size of a small 3 yr old he is very smart and is the sensitive one of the bunch.
We are so thankful that our God is a faithful God. He continues to allow us to grow and see the truths of His Word. Our marriage seems to blossom over and over again when we discover something new together. Miles is a great teacher for the family, him doing devotionals with the kids and challenging Salyna enables the whole family to grow. Even during our times of trials we have the peace that surpasses all understanding, the peace only God can supply.
Sorry this is so long and we plan on posting more once we are settled. We will be sending emails with new contact info.