
Frigid Cold, Birthdays, & Chickenpox?

Well, that sums up the last few weeks.
We had a small party for Davis' 4th and Andrew's 1st birthdays on Dec. 30th. Davis got the dinosaur and a guitar, what he really wanted. We made him a cake with chocolate cookies and rice ice cream. And Andrew actually ate his cake and made a little mess.

As you may know it has been COLD here. We survived the frigid temps and even faired a lot better than the rest of the country. We didn't have any problems with power or ice, just very, very cold.

And then there are the chickenpox, yes chickenpox! Two days after returning to school from the break Sydni got the spots. We still aren't sure where she got them, but being the nice sister she is, she shared with Davis and Andrew. Syd is no longer contagious but is healing the pox. And the boys just broke out with the blisters yesterday, so we still have a long week or two ahead of us.


This New Year...Psalms 145:17

Psalms 145:17 says "The LORD is righteous in all His ways, Gracious in all His works."

2006 went just as fast as it came. And the Lord has been faithful and gracious to us through it all. This last year brought many experiences for us; testing and trials, rejoicing and new friends, lessons learned and taught. Many physical changes in our place in this world and even more spiritual changes as we grow in Christ.

Why do people make "resolutions"? Do they need the motivation? Do they need something to look forward to? Do they do it because that is what everyone else does? Webster's definition that applies here for the term "resolution" is the quality of having a fixed purpose; determination; firmness. It seems silly to need to make resolutions every new year. As I see it, God had one big resolution in the beginning and it has never changed... to be "righteous in all His ways, Gracious in all His works". And He had this determination of this fixed purpose for a dying world, for you, and for me; and we have done nothing to deserve it. So here is a "new year's" resolution... to have the determination; firmness; fixed purpose to serve my Lord and love Him who first loved me; to make every effort to learn and grow in my knowledge of who He wants me to be; not just this year, but always.

Christmas Pics

Here are a few pics...

Merry CHRISTmas

What a wonderful time of the year; to be able to celebrate the birth of our Saviour. We are so blessed to be living in a country where we are free to worship the Lord Jesus Christ.

We had a great Christmas. We also had too many toys! We spent the 23rd in Newcastle with Salyna's family, where Davis finally got his cowboy boots! Christmas Eve was spent going to church in the morning, Rapid City to eat, and then back to church for the evening service. Then we got to webcam with the Kennedy's that night. Christmas morning we got to webcam with Salyna's mom, stepdad, and grandma; no more waiting to get pictures in the mail. Technology is pretty amazing; the grandparents got to watch the kids open presents live. Salyna's dad and stepmom came down and we made them breakfast. It was an exhausting, joyous day!